Author: sme-admin

Thinking about applying for a Kickstart Scheme grant to offer young people job placements at your organisation, then please read below some tips and advice on applying. What is the scheme? The Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion scheme to create thousands of high-quality 6-month job placements for 16 – 24 year olds. The Kickstart Scheme is part of the plan for jobs and supports young people to develop new skills that will help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart Scheme job placement. The Kickstart Scheme provides organisations of all sizes, across the private, public and voluntary sectors with the opportunity to access a large pool of…

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The UK Space Agency and Rolls-Royce are joining forces for a unique study into how nuclear power and technologies could be used as part of space exploration The UK Space Agency and Rolls-Royce are joining forces for a unique study into how nuclear power and technologies could be used as part of space exploration This new research contract will see planetary scientists work together to explore the game-changing potential of nuclear power as a more plentiful source of energy, capable of making possible deeper space exploration in the decades to come. Nuclear propulsion, which would involve channelling the immense energy…

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Since lockdown ended we have improved safety measures to ensure your visit is a safe and enjoyable one. It has been a major undertaking to prepare the Park for this. For example, the booking system we have used for years simply wasn’t designed for these extraordinary times, so we have installed new software which allows us to restrict visitor numbers via pre-bookings. We have reviewed all our public areas and introduced some measures to keep our staff and visitors safe. Please note: these are in addition to our previous announcement on the website which you can find here. Although Cotswold…

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UK house prices increased by 5.4% in the year to October 2020, up from 4.3% in September 2020. The UK Property Transactions Statistics showed that in October 2020, on a seasonally adjusted basis, the estimated number of transactions of residential properties with a value of £40,000 or greater was 105,630. This is 8.1% higher than a year ago. Between September and October 2020, UK transactions increased by 9.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis. House price growth was strongest in Scotland where prices increased by 6% in the year to October 2020, up from 4% in the year to September 2020.…

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Why? Experian and the other Credit Reference Agencies (CRAs) had been receiving data from other data brokers, their suppliers, which had been collected on the basis of ‘consent’. Key Finding 4 of the “Investigation into data protection compliance in the direct marketing data broking sector” states: None of the consents reviewed by auditors … were valid under the GDPR. These are the same data brokers who you are most likely to get your data from. Experian, Equifax and Callcredit/TransUnion are not foolish, and they do not merely accept the assurances of these data suppliers. The problem is with the way these data…

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SME Today met Sara Frost, who is currently Website & Marketing Manager for the wildlife tour operator Naturetrek. Sara is a trained Zoologist and wildlife guide and we were fascinated to hear about her journey to becoming a successful ‘Life Entrepreneur’ Sara was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug early in life. She describes going door-to-door age six to sell spider plants to her neighbours in County Durham. “I came back with £4.80 – I thought I was rich… Until my dad explained to me that I had left with a £3 float in my bumbag. It was a hard first…

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The UK Government recently relaxed its lockdown measures, enabling numerous businesses – including pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels and hairdressers – to reopen, providing they have taken measures to ensure they are COVID-19 secure. The new measures, including the reduction of the two-metre social distancing rule to one-metre, will enable thousands of businesses to reopen, giving the UK economy a much-needed boost. One of the proposed measures for allowing employees to safely return to the workplace is to introduce staggered shift patterns or hours. This would reduce the likelihood of large numbers of people travelling at peak times and therefore, hopefully, reducing the…

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On 28 December 2020, George from Cotswold Wildlife Park completed a marathon around the Park in aid of Save the Rhino. When he originally planned it, George didn’t think it would involve running in the snow on a freezing winters day! He ran 52 laps of the half mile circuit around Cotswold Wildlife Park inside a cumbersome Rhino costume, cheered on by our six White Rhinos, Henry and Molly (Head Keeper’s children) and the rest of the keepers. After seven hours of running in very challenging conditions, the marathon was finally completed. Congratulations to George and Eden for their…

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Teams today are more complex than ever before as growing pressures create increasing uncertainty and stress.  So, wouldn’t it be great if there was a magic code that helped take the guess work out of leading and motivating a team to peak performance? The pressures of today are conspiring to make teaming in our places of work exceptionally difficult, more so than any of us have ever experienced before. Understanding these current day dynamics will help us to equip ourselves to better deal with them. In our places of work, we are enduring digital transformation after digital transformation, each one…

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The University of Plymouth has been granted permission to create an iconic new facility that will inspire and educate the next generation of engineers and designers. The Babbage building, on the western edge of the University’s main campus, will be enlarged and enhanced to provide an innovative and sustainable new home for the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics and additional space for the School of Art, Design and Architecture. Designed by internationally award-winning architectural practice Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, it has received conditional planning approval from Plymouth City Council. The facility will include a dedicated new-build component and refurbishment of the 1970s Babbage building,…

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