Author: sme-admin

Organisations all over the world have been leveraging the power of Windows operating systems ever since the first version – Windows 1.0 – was rolled out in 1985. Yet despite the regular release of newer and more secure versions, many organisations continue to use outdated systems that could leave them worryingly exposed to damaging cyberattacks and data security breaches. Official figures from the UK Government reveal that cybersecurity breaches remain a common threat, with 32% of businesses and 24% of charities reporting incidents or cyberattacks in the previous 12 months. While these figures represent a decrease from 39% of businesses and…

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Almost a third (31%) of business owners admit to having at least one failed business, according to research from Charles Stanley.  Of those who have had their business fail in the past, 16% stated they’ve had more than one business failure. However, while an entrepreneur may have set up a business that didn’t survive before, this doesn’t mean they’re set up for constant failure. Rather it provides a distinct learning opportunity and can make entrepreneurs stronger, turning them into ‘Phoenix founders’ who find success in another business venture.  This resilience is highlighted in Charles Stanley’s research, which found that almost…

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SMEs are core to our communities and our economy, making up 99% of businesses in the UK. Despite their importance, however, many essential financial services products – such as insurance – are designed without the varied needs of this market in mind. Serving a diverse range of customers is often seen as costly and complex, so this group of businesses can be neglected as a result. According to data from Sedgwick, this has contributed to a shocking 80% of SMEs being underinsured. For example, the cover requirements of a hair salon differ significantly from those of a roofing firm. Yet…

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The transition of an item from the website to your front door culminates with its unboxing. The packaging design and aesthetics represent the initial visual and tactile interaction a shopper has with a brand, offering a chance to leave a memorable mark. Distinctive and striking packaging can make this moment an exciting experience and forge an emotional bond with the shopper. For instance, vividly coloured containers or uniquely shaped parcels can capture attention among a heap of deliveries, thereby enhancing the shopper’s view of your brand. The Significance of Initial Impressions in Online Retail Today, packaging serves as more than…

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Fuel prices these days feel like they are playing a numbers game – you never know which ones you are going to get. With UK supermarket fuel prices fluctuating by as much as 14p a litre across the country, drivers are left exposed to what is often referred to as the ‘pump price postcode lottery’. Motorists could breathe a welcome sigh of relief when fuel prices decreased consistently in the last quarter of 2023. That all came to a halt in January 2024, when the average prices of unleaded fuel hovered around the 140.5p mark per litre, and 148.4p for…

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SME owners are used to being self sufficient when it comes to the needs of their business. However, relying on self-help regarding the legal requirements of a business can be a risky endeavour. While escaping the cycle of working ‘in’ the business rather than ‘on’ it is an ongoing challenge for many business owners, waiting for a legal problem to arise before addressing it can leave your business open to issues of non-compliance and legal liability. Below Yulia Barnes is Founder and Managing Partner of Barnes Law, explores why businesses of every size should be conducting regular legal health checks…

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Samantha Jayne, known as the Spiritual Business Coach is hosting an International Women’s Day event with an amazing line-up of speakers on Thursday March 7 in Swindon. Headlining the day long event will be former wheelchair tennis Paralympian, Louise Hunt Skelley PLY. Louise, who lives in Wroughton, will share with the crowd her inspiring journey to the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games and will talk about how she’s fought hard – and still does – to be included and to help others become more inclusive. Another spotlight will shine on Trans Ambassador Katie Neeves. Katie publicly came out as transgender in…

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Edinburgh-based property investment group, Archibald Marckay, has secured a £530,000 funding deal to both acquire a grade B listed building in the Leith area of the city for hotel redevelopment and also complete the major refurbishment of a new boutique hotel. The facility, provided by alternative finance lender Reward Finance Group, has been used by Archibald Mackay to drive the growth of its hospitality division, purchase the four storey townhouse at 3 John’s Place in Leith and complete the transformation of its newly opened city centre hotel – Eleven Stafford Street. With the Leith area currently undergoing substantial regeneration, Archibald…

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Businesses must be mindful of the often-complex tax rules around compensation payments after issues revealed in the Post Office scandal, a top Hampshire expert has warned. Michaela Johns, Director at Chandler’s Ford-based HWB Chartered Accountants, said aspects of the payout scheme set up in the wake of the Horizon IT case had relevance for both employers and employees. “For companies, care must be taken to ensure any tax relief claimed on a compensation payment is lawful,” she said. “While you can claim a corporate tax deduction for a legitimate expense, if it is related to a penalty or a fine…

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Amidst yesterdays morning’s announcement of the UK slipping into recession, small businesses are voicing their concerns and calling for proactive measures in the upcoming Budget to spur growth. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported a 0.3% contraction in GDP for the fourth quarter. That followed a decline of 0.1% in the previous three months and means the economy entered a technical recession – defined by falling GDP in two or more consecutive quarters. In response to this confirmation of recession, key figures in the business and finance sectors spoke to SME Today to offer insights and perspectives on the…

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