This week SME Today are delighted to meet Internationally Renowned Entrepreneur and Life Coach Camilita Nuttall. Camilita has an incredibly inspirational and motivating story which we have asked her to share in her own words.
Camilita you are a famous global entrepreneur coaching some of the world’s biggest names in Media, Politics and Business, please tell us about your amazing journey.

“I grew up extremely poor in Trinidad (Caribbean). I slept on the floor, had no shoes to go to school and had to work with my mom from the age of 10 in the coffee fields. I saw other children at that age having holidays, good clothes, schoolbooks, and even decent food to eat. I did not have that.
I was very bright in primary school but when I started secondary school, my parents did not have enough money for me to go to school every day. I relied on the school bus and when there was no bus, well… I stayed at home. I borrowed books from friends and teachers as my parents could not afford for me to have my own at times.
At the age of 13, my father said to my mother, we no longer have money for schoolbooks let alone transportation to go to school (I lived 1 hour from my secondary school). I am the last of 11 children. I cried for days because I really wanted to go to school. We lived in the country (Biche), and my mom kept saying that ‘Education’ was one way out of poverty, so I was determined to go to school.
When we saw no other way, my mom and I decided to take my sister’s advice and go and hustle on the public dump, amongst the waste and rubbish, to collect glass bottles to sell. At that point, I said yes, I need to finish school as I do not want to end up poor. So……. for 2 months my mom and I ate food from the dump, got wet when it rained and had to stay with those clothes all day. We dug through dead animals and rotten food, collected rags and glass bottles among the rubbish, broke them up and sold them to buy my books and uniform for secondary school.
My predicament was not over as now I had to get funds to travel to secondary school. Some days I sat and cried and cried seeing other children going to school and even after the dump, I still could not go every day. I occasionally had to work with my mom in the coffee fields to get extra money, carrying large sacks of yams on my head after a hard day’s work in the fields. The days I did go to school, I studied hard and in the end was able to get 7 GCSE 0’Levels.
Again, when I started doing my A ‘Levels, the same problem ensued. I studied British and American Politics and Law and had to borrow books from my friends or wherever I could get them. I walked from school on some days. There were days in school I had nothing to eat for the whole day but was determined to go for it regardless.
After my A ‘Levels, I begged for jobs (literally). Even though things were still financially tough, I started a community project to help other children in the local community, children who were just like me. I eventually got a job in TSTT in Trinidad, thanks to the mayor at the time and my MP back then because of my tenacity and community work. I then started Law School in Trinidad. I eventually moved to the UK to finish Law School.
I came to the UK with just the clothes on my back.
The person I came to stay with never showed up at the airport. I ended up at a friend’s house on her sofa! I stayed with a group of people at their friend’s house. The owner of that house tried to abuse all of us. We left hoping to get a house of our own, then I was made homeless. A friend and her husband took me in.
A stranger helped me to stay in this country. I lived on cornflakes for a while – breakfast, lunch & dinner.
Fast forward to today, I am the author of 3 EBooks, have been featured in FORBES & Quoted in Think & Grow Rich for Women, appeared on SKY TV, Celebrate Magazine, BBC Business News and many others. Dr J B Hill, Napoleon Hill’s grandson even quoted me in front of 20,000 people as saying, ‘There is no better time than the present to take action to succeed’.
I am also the founder of Event of Champions®, where I bring together the best in the industry to deliver valuable content that promotes success to help other entrepreneurs and I work with companies to increase their profit & create workable systems through strategic planning and sales systems. To date, I have travelled to 50+ countries and lived in Spain, Germany, Trinidad, Netherlands, and the UK.
If I can do it… YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!”
Want to hear more from Camilita why not join her for GLOBAL CHAMPIONS SUMMIT ONLINE EVENT 2nd – 3rd February 2021. It is FREE to register, and you are guaranteed to get motivated to take your business to it’s next level. Register via the following link: