It’s been a difficult year for most businesses, dealing with the fallout from Brexit and the disruption from the covid restrictions. Some business have thrived while many others have struggled to deal with the consequences of lockdown. As we now enter another period of restrictions the hope is we can quickly move back to normality.
A New Year is just around the corner and though UK SMEs will continue to face uncertainties for a while, the general consensus by economists worldwide is that the global economy is well on track to recover to where it would have been had the virus never hit and perhaps to even exceed that level. Here at SMEToday, we are indeed keeping our fingers crossed that businesses can look forward to a period of relative stability enabling them to plan and prosper.
In the meantime, we can all put our work aside and throw ourselves into creating a better Christmas than last year. I sincerely wish you all one of the most memorable Christmas seasons and a happy, healthy and successful New Year.